TwitPic Gets Paris Hilton Busted for Cocaine


Las Vegas Police arrested hotel heiress Paris Hilton last weekend for possession of .08 grams of cocaine found in her black Chanel purse. Her only defense was that the purse was borrowed from a friend. However a few days later, it was discovered that Hilton had posted a TwitPic of the purse with the caption “Love My New Chanel Purse I got Today. :)” on her Twitter feed a month and a half earlier. There went her alibi!

paris hilton cocaine purse

Paris Hilton posted this photo of a black Chanel purse to TwitPic and Twitter a month and a half before telling police it belonged to a friend after they found cocaine in it.

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Charles Barkley: “People Who Use Twitter are Idiots”


“People who use Twitter are idiots,” Charles Barkley told CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo at the 21st Annual American Century Celebrity Golf Championship. “They have no life,” he said. “I can’t take them seriously.”  Give me a break, Sir Charles! What is it with celebrities bashing the internet lately? Just a few weeks ago I told you about how Prince proclaimed that the internet was “completely over.” (read that blog)

Charles Barkley

Charles Barkley flips the bird.

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Prince: “The Internet is Completely Over”


You’re probably thinking, “WHAT?!?”. I was too when I read the quotes from the 80’s pop star this morning. Prince’s comments are from a May interview with Peter Willis of the British newspaper The Mirror. His latest album, 20TEN, was released exclusively in CD format as a giveaway in issues of The Mirror.

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